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The Quarterclift;  or  The Life and Adventures of Hudy McGuigan,  by Hugh Harkin

published in booklet form 1841; published in facsimile 1993 by Ballinascreen Historical Society
(144pp, + brief introduction and notes)
available from Ballinascreen Historical Society, Draperstown, Co Derry

an edited transcript, with notes and a glossary

characters may replace dashes in the original publication,
 eg "Lord Caledon" replaces "Lord C──n"

IIBirth, Infancy, &c., &c.
IVPull divil pull
VClodding wet turf
VIHudy outwitted - equestrian exploits
VIIThe Fencing School
VIIIDefeat of the Professor
IXA Hunt - A New Acquaintance
XThe Sports
XIA Singular Colloquy
XIIThe Sports
XIIIThe Race - Leap over Glenadry
XIVaThe Colonel's Glorious Gift
XIVbThe Abduction of a Priest
XVHudy in Coventry
XVIHudy's Mother Goes Hunting
XVIIaThe Ball: Hudy is Invited
XVIIbThe Ball: Hudy Makes his Entrance
XVIIcThe Ball: Hudy Stamps his Mark
XIXaThe Horse-Jockey
XIXbA Bull at Moneymore Fair
XXaThe Still-Hunt: Arrival at the Still-House
XXbThe Still-Hunt: The Wreckers Disarmed
XXcThe Still-Hunt: The Gauger Captured
XXdThe Still‑Hunt: The Yeomanry Bowled Over

This page was last updated 8 Nov 2018